Here are some photos of the Librem 11 that just arrived today. I ordered on day 1, hopefully this helps people understand the scale of the device -- see #steamdeck comparison. My initial impressions are extremely impressed but I am pretty easy going considering I really like the pioneering in the #linux space by Purism. I'll write upore on my other account soon. #purism #librem11 #librem5 #linuxtablet #linuxmobile #linuxphone

Initial feel is really good, light and small enough to have a use case, the magnetic pen sticks good and the magnetic cover is pretty good, i have yet to have any complaints, however i am not sure i should trust it entirely to keep the device from sliding out -- it will take usage to fibd out. I had a associate draw on it using #krita #linuxart #art #pureos and they were impressed and felt it was good ebough for their sketching use case at minimum. I will get feedback from long time 15 year #wacom #cintiq users, i would imagine they will find it adequate for some professional use cases which is excellent news as we have tried #wacommobilestudio and other devices with different degrees of success on #linux -- FYI wacom mobile studio is a PITA due to #nvidia having such problematic linux drivers -- it can be better to ommit usage and simple use #intel in that scenario. The keeb wasnt working oob so i plugged in a wired on, i imagine its a easy fix, #phosh GUI didnt play nice with #krita but considering the value of krita on a light #tablet thats no big deal as it can be swapped out for #gnomemobile or other interfaces as convergence becomes more defacto. I am pleasantly surprised, i am sure i will run into some rough edges as with any generation 1 product but my first impressions are that purism did an excellent job. Im sure there will be room for criticism ans self evaluation too but all things considered in my opinion we have a banger here -- the cameras were pretty decent too at a glance on the photos app. I think this may be the year of the linux tablet, ha /s

Im impressed with the quality of the USBC charger and cable OOB, this is going to be an interesting few days.