
Currently it is quite new, so we are at the moment running a really basic setup: GM has laptop running Owlbear Rodeo to show maps and mood pictures. We have a glassfibre cover on top of the TV (a Samsung 47") and we move mini's on top of that.
The idea is that I shall get a server running with FoundryVTT on it, updated via Git. That'll open up to using digital mini's (or not...we quite like the tactile feel of moving physical ones), each player running their own client etc. We're moving in snail pace towards that though. :D


@hellquist I love it! I've never been able to play like this, but I've always wanted to. Is the glassfibre cover just for protection or does it enable touch?

I love Foundry and use it to play and GM remotely. But have you looked at Arkenforge? It's meant to be like Foundry but for in person games. I haven't used it either, but it looks promising, and apparently opens the door for actually using physical minis on the flat screen.


Just protection. We are still trying to get used to the fact it isn't actually a touch screen, so when TV controls pop up there is ALWAYS one of us trying to push it with fingers before scrambling for the remote, hehe.

But yeah, we've always talked about it, but these last months we decided as a group to purchase a nice big table and a TV. I got my FoundryVTT license quite some time ago (pandemic) but we never used it, and now we are aiming to use it for face-to-face game sessions instead, so the Owlbear Rodeo is a temp solution. It has worked decently well so far though. :)