
On my big 2019 trip, I went through Barcelona just long enough to see the Basilica of La Sagrada Familia. Antoni Gaudí started building it in the 1880s and it sounds like they are going to finish construction in 2026. These photos are from the exterior of the basilica. Everything was at a scale where it was almost impossible to get a good shot.

Location: La Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)
More photos of temples, tombs, and churches:

#LaSagradaFamilia #SagradaFamiliaBasilica #Barcelona #Spain #AntoniGaudí #Travel #TravelPhotography


Did you have a good time on your vacation? Did you see much of Barcelona? Heard that building of course. Good to e-meet you Joe! Dave


I did. That was a great trip. Unfortunately, I didn't see much of Barcelona. That trip took me through four countries on two continents and I just budgeted enough time to see the basilica and get a bunch of lovely ham. I kind of want to find my way back there at some point, though.