
#1 - Masterpiece! -Phil


Thank you, yes I see you've removed white spots on the horizon line. :) Oh, maybe I should start entering competitions, dunno.

When it comes to the odd patch of sand. This is not a patch, but an incompletely removed layer of remjet, such is the nature of Kodak Vision3 250D film roll development.


"Oh, maybe I should start entering competitions, dunno." As a jurist some 30+ years ago, I learned a lot about how to judge photos, and a lot about the "process" in various kinds of showings. They ranged from photography classes in the local library to the County's most prestigious gallery. Some involved money, others recognition, the opportunity to sell your work, or a mix of all three. The best way to start is small. Libraries, non-profit fund raisers, colleges, and photo clubs. Beware, with competition/money comes interesting egos. -Phil