
Maybe this fellow could fix your camera so it doesn't take 'crooked' photos ;)>


"... my bad composition ... " I think your composition is mostly great! The one suggestion I'd make concerns centering the subject in the frame. It involves how the eye/brain processes specific imagery. When the subject is centered, the brain is receiving the image sent from the fovea, the at the center of retina, and it's 'happiest'. As the subject moves away from the center, and the further it moves, the brain takes greater interest in the image because it may represent a danger - that is not in best focus [the fovea again]. So moving the subject off-center has the effect of raising the brains survival-awareness, and in the case of photography, tweaks the viewer's nose a bit and elevates their attraction to the image. -Phil


Thanks for explanation, what is a fovea?

I would like to point out that is a rangefinder, so never what you see in a viewfinder is exactly the same what 'a camera sees and captures'. With an analog gear for me is so hard to take an aligned picture without a level, especially when the subject is too close and barely fits in the frame.