I've joked about how iNaturalist is like #PokemonGo for real animals. Well, since I started playing the game, I've been combining walks for both. And on today's hike in the local #BotanicalGardens, I took some photos with a few #Pokemon in their, um, natural habitats?
(Still not sure why I found so many Electrobuzzes in the *botanical gardens*, though.)
Cross-posted on my blog: https://hyperborea.org/journal/2019/08/pokemon-garden/

reminds me of when the nearby pier was a spawn point for Rapidash clusters. 😂
I like the Cacnea near the cactii!

@FiXato@mastodon.social Ha! Horseas I could understand, but Rapidashes might have a little trouble there! 😂

@KelsonV I am glad that spawn variety has improved. Early in the game we had mostly #Voltorbs and #Magnemites spawning in our city; it was almost easier to bulk evolve those than #Pidgeys 😂
Here's an early #screenshot of a cluster spawn of them. I should have some where the nearby is also filled with them, but couldn't quickly find those.