stuffifoundLately my #Israel - #Palestine posts seem to attract #zionnists either claiming it's "complicated" or even flat out saying my posts are antisemitic. Just so you know, I'm not the least bit fooled. There's nothing antisemitic about calling Israel's actions for what they are: a #genocide
stuffifound Lately my #Israel - #Palestine posts seem to attract #zionnists either claiming it's "complicated" or even flat out saying my posts are antisemitic. Just so you know, I'm not the least bit fooled. There's nothing antisemitic about calling Israel's actions for what they are: a #genocide
Show more#freepalestine #fromtherivertotheseapalestinnewillbefree #freegaza #freethewestbank #freeramalah #israelisaterroriststate #israelisacolonialiststate #endthegenocide #stopnetanyahu #benjaminnetanyahu