outdoorjunkieIn my off season this past fall, I decided to go to Kauai and go backpacking all over the island. Coming from Alaska it was quite pleasant to wear shorts constantly and have good fresh fruit everywhere you went. While I was camping on the west side of the island I decided to pull the camera out and get some Milky Way shots. What I totally forgot about was the #comet C/2023 A3 passing by our planet.
The hooting and hollering that I made when I first looked at the image could be heard for miles.
The upper part of the cloud is lit up from the moon rising behind the island creating a very pleasing image.
I am shooting this on a #sony A7iii with a 20mm f1.8 lens. 30” exposure, iso 1250
outdoorjunkie In my off season this past fall, I decided to go to Kauai and go backpacking all over the island. Coming from Alaska it was quite pleasant to wear shorts constantly and have good fresh fruit everywhere you went. While I was camping on the west side of the island I decided to pull the camera out and get some Milky Way shots. What I totally forgot about was the #comet C/2023 A3 passing by our planet.
Show moreThe hooting and hollering that I made when I first looked at the image could be heard for miles.
The upper part of the cloud is lit up from the moon rising behind the island creating a very pleasing image.
I am shooting this on a #sony A7iii with a 20mm f1.8 lens. 30” exposure, iso 1250
#milkyway #astrophotography #comet #sonyalpha #kauai #hawaii #beaches #nightsky #ocean #nature #hiking #camping