The end of Volume 12 saw a villain kidnap Lin and run to the dreaded nation of Asura. Asura is a Sparta inspired nation of men who are not given names until they defeat, and murder, 100 other men in combat. In this world, women have no autonomy and are merely traded as property for breeding to other men.
The Shuras, or the warrior class of men, dominate everything in this nation. First, Falco goes to try to save Lin and, ultimately ends up failing and dying in Asura. Before he goes, Kenshiro provides him with a Hokuto based power boost where he is able to kill a Shura in the process before passing.
The rest of the volume follows Rin, who is kidnapped from some Shuras; Kenshiro, on his mission to find and save Rin; and Shachi, a man who has hidden among the Shuras in order to take them all down as he awaits some savior who is supposed to arrive in Asura. The savior he was told would come had the name of...Raoh.
We also learn that there are more forms of the Hokuto style of combat that Kenshiro will, most likely, learn while he is here destroying men who treat others like property.
I am certain this series will continue to bring violence and social commentary on what manhood means. Kenshiro is manly, but always allows himself to feel. Shachi rejected emotion altogether to stop the Shuras. However, he is now watching as Kenshiro is taking down multiple Shuras in his path to try to save Lin. We'll see if Shachi learns from this.
Also, we met Shachi's pirate Dad at the beginning who asked Kenshiro to find his son, if he could, because his son was lost after his Dad's previous crew was murdered by a Shura.
mdmrn New Read - Fist of the North Star, Volume 13
Show moreThe end of Volume 12 saw a villain kidnap Lin and run to the dreaded nation of Asura. Asura is a Sparta inspired nation of men who are not given names until they defeat, and murder, 100 other men in combat. In this world, women have no autonomy and are merely traded as property for breeding to other men.
The Shuras, or the warrior class of men, dominate everything in this nation. First, Falco goes to try to save Lin and, ultimately ends up failing and dying in Asura. Before he goes, Kenshiro provides him with a Hokuto based power boost where he is able to kill a Shura in the process before passing.
The rest of the volume follows Rin, who is kidnapped from some Shuras; Kenshiro, on his mission to find and save Rin; and Shachi, a man who has hidden among the Shuras in order to take them all down as he awaits some savior who is supposed to arrive in Asura. The savior he was told would come had the name of...Raoh.
We also learn that there are more forms of the Hokuto style of combat that Kenshiro will, most likely, learn while he is here destroying men who treat others like property.
I am certain this series will continue to bring violence and social commentary on what manhood means. Kenshiro is manly, but always allows himself to feel. Shachi rejected emotion altogether to stop the Shuras. However, he is now watching as Kenshiro is taking down multiple Shuras in his path to try to save Lin. We'll see if Shachi learns from this.
Also, we met Shachi's pirate Dad at the beginning who asked Kenshiro to find his son, if he could, because his son was lost after his Dad's previous crew was murdered by a Shura.
What a story.
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