mdmrnNew Read - I Think Our Son Is Gay, Volume 5 (Final Volume)
What an ending to this short series.
Hiroki is involved in the plot, kind of, but much of this volume is about his Mom, Tomo, and his brother.
First on Yuri. Yuri finally finds the words to understand that he's asexual. After hearing another kid at school who is, he started up a conversation and struck up a friendship. Yuri is finally embracing and understanding who he is better as an asexual person, and it was so sweet to see. It's good to see more asexual representation in media.
Next, the Dad is no longer on long term assignment out of town and as he's around more, he's saying more homophobic things. So, the Mom finally sits him down and tells him, "I'm pretty sure Hiroki is gay, you're being hurtful." The Dad finally has a "Holy crap" moment as he rolls through in his head all the homophobic things he's said in the past. He still doesn't get it, but from then on you see him actively making a concerted effort to show that he loves his son and that he's open / supportive of gay people. It was a very "Oh my goodness, I said that? Why did I say that?" He needed that metaphorical slap in the face and, frankly, it seems to be making him wake up to realize how wrong he was.
He also met Tomo's gay coworker and as he saw two gay men who were not this caricature he built up in his head. Just a regular, average folks like him. This plus his wife's conversations helped him realize how wrong he was.
We need more conversations like this and we need more Mom's out there like Tomo who are ready to embrace and love their LGBTQ+ kids.
mdmrn New Read - I Think Our Son Is Gay, Volume 5 (Final Volume)
Show moreWhat an ending to this short series.
Hiroki is involved in the plot, kind of, but much of this volume is about his Mom, Tomo, and his brother.
First on Yuri. Yuri finally finds the words to understand that he's asexual. After hearing another kid at school who is, he started up a conversation and struck up a friendship. Yuri is finally embracing and understanding who he is better as an asexual person, and it was so sweet to see. It's good to see more asexual representation in media.
Next, the Dad is no longer on long term assignment out of town and as he's around more, he's saying more homophobic things. So, the Mom finally sits him down and tells him, "I'm pretty sure Hiroki is gay, you're being hurtful." The Dad finally has a "Holy crap" moment as he rolls through in his head all the homophobic things he's said in the past. He still doesn't get it, but from then on you see him actively making a concerted effort to show that he loves his son and that he's open / supportive of gay people. It was a very "Oh my goodness, I said that? Why did I say that?" He needed that metaphorical slap in the face and, frankly, it seems to be making him wake up to realize how wrong he was.
He also met Tomo's gay coworker and as he saw two gay men who were not this caricature he built up in his head. Just a regular, average folks like him. This plus his wife's conversations helped him realize how wrong he was.
We need more conversations like this and we need more Mom's out there like Tomo who are ready to embrace and love their LGBTQ+ kids.
Support LGBTQ+ Kids.
Anyway, love this series. Would read again.
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