Okay there, Volume 4. Coming in hard. Let's review quickly.
It's becoming clearer that Hiroki's brother Yuri is likely asexual. They handle it gently and have done so throughout. He wants to have friends. He likes having friends of various genders. However, he never is interested in dating / romance. This volume ramps up more of Yuri's story and the Mom (Tomoko), once again, being incredibly accepting.
Further, we get more with Hiroki and Daigo, including an entire chapter from Daigo's perspective - which was fun. Daigo gets a girlfriend in Volume 4 and Hiroki's way of dealing with it is to just stop spending as much time with Daigo. But Daigo doesn't want that. He thinks Hiroki is incredible and wants to spend time with him. Which is adorable.
Tomoko continues noticing things about how the world treats LGBTQ+ people. First, she notices TV shows that use gay people as the butt of a joke. Second, she notices how some of her coworkers have been treating Mr. Tano differently now that they know he's gay. She internally frustrated by the whole thing and, at times, outwardly chastises folks about it.
Which I appreciate.
She's trying to be an ally in her own way as a protective Mom who is seeing things she never noticed before in the world and about how LGBTQ+ people are treated. It's an awakening and I know exactly how that feels. As a straight person, I went through this same process of being "Wait, this is wrong and bad" about the treatment of LGBTQ+ folks in our culture and just not even noticing problematic things before.
I included here a set of panels that I think captures that moment well in the manga.
mdmrn New Read - I Think Our Son Is Gay, Volume 4
Show moreOkay there, Volume 4. Coming in hard. Let's review quickly.
It's becoming clearer that Hiroki's brother Yuri is likely asexual. They handle it gently and have done so throughout. He wants to have friends. He likes having friends of various genders. However, he never is interested in dating / romance. This volume ramps up more of Yuri's story and the Mom (Tomoko), once again, being incredibly accepting.
Further, we get more with Hiroki and Daigo, including an entire chapter from Daigo's perspective - which was fun. Daigo gets a girlfriend in Volume 4 and Hiroki's way of dealing with it is to just stop spending as much time with Daigo. But Daigo doesn't want that. He thinks Hiroki is incredible and wants to spend time with him. Which is adorable.
Tomoko continues noticing things about how the world treats LGBTQ+ people. First, she notices TV shows that use gay people as the butt of a joke. Second, she notices how some of her coworkers have been treating Mr. Tano differently now that they know he's gay. She internally frustrated by the whole thing and, at times, outwardly chastises folks about it.
Which I appreciate.
She's trying to be an ally in her own way as a protective Mom who is seeing things she never noticed before in the world and about how LGBTQ+ people are treated. It's an awakening and I know exactly how that feels. As a straight person, I went through this same process of being "Wait, this is wrong and bad" about the treatment of LGBTQ+ folks in our culture and just not even noticing problematic things before.
I included here a set of panels that I think captures that moment well in the manga.
Only one more volume to go.
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