I finished up Volume 3 of "I Think Our Son is Gay" yesterday and still cute.
First, let's hit the Mom's arc. She's speaks to her gay coworker (see few shots here) asking the question any straight parent of an LGBTQ+ kid would ask, "How can I best help my child?" Her coworker then asks if she'd change Hiroki, to which she says, "No." He then says, "Then you're off to a good start." As he said, just be supportive and if she wants to talk about what he lived through, he's there. It's a sweet, deeper moment amidst all the moments of cute moments with her son.
There is a growing issue of the neighbor girl who CLEARLY has a crush on Hiroki who CLEARLY doesn't know. He's super nice to her because, frankly, he is to everyone. Which is sweet. But he is clueless that this girl has a crush on him. And she's a little clueless that he has a crush on his best friend Daigo.
Also, the Mom chastises the Dad a few times when he hurts Hiroki's feelings. No, she understands that Hiroki doesn't have any girls he's into. That doesn't make him weird. That doesn't make him strange. That makes him Hiroki. And the Dad implying that he's less than because he isn't into girls at the moment (ever) is hurtful. The Mom, I can tell, is going to keep stepping into protect her gay son and I just am very proud of her for doing so. Which seems weird...but I am.
I am very much enjoying this series. Especially being that I'm a parent myself who has to grapple with all the things parents grapple with as they are raising teenagers (and two nearly 10 year olds). I am striving to be as supportive, if not more, as the Mom here.
mdmrn New Read - I Think Our Son Is Gay, Volume 3
Show moreI finished up Volume 3 of "I Think Our Son is Gay" yesterday and still cute.
First, let's hit the Mom's arc. She's speaks to her gay coworker (see few shots here) asking the question any straight parent of an LGBTQ+ kid would ask, "How can I best help my child?" Her coworker then asks if she'd change Hiroki, to which she says, "No." He then says, "Then you're off to a good start." As he said, just be supportive and if she wants to talk about what he lived through, he's there. It's a sweet, deeper moment amidst all the moments of cute moments with her son.
There is a growing issue of the neighbor girl who CLEARLY has a crush on Hiroki who CLEARLY doesn't know. He's super nice to her because, frankly, he is to everyone. Which is sweet. But he is clueless that this girl has a crush on him. And she's a little clueless that he has a crush on his best friend Daigo.
Also, the Mom chastises the Dad a few times when he hurts Hiroki's feelings. No, she understands that Hiroki doesn't have any girls he's into. That doesn't make him weird. That doesn't make him strange. That makes him Hiroki. And the Dad implying that he's less than because he isn't into girls at the moment (ever) is hurtful. The Mom, I can tell, is going to keep stepping into protect her gay son and I just am very proud of her for doing so. Which seems weird...but I am.
I am very much enjoying this series. Especially being that I'm a parent myself who has to grapple with all the things parents grapple with as they are raising teenagers (and two nearly 10 year olds). I am striving to be as supportive, if not more, as the Mom here.
Anyway, two more volumes to go.
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