After reading volume 1, I reserved from the library all four additional volumes of I Think Our Son is Gay so I could read through it.
Volume 2 - still cute.
Volume 2, Hiroki is still into Daigo. Still hiding that he's gay from everyone. His Mom is still trying to do everything in her power to show that she will support him when he's ready to come out.
We also learn that the Mom works a part time job and that one of her coworkers is gay. She is very interested in asking him questions about his life, his upbringing, about how his parent's reacted. It's kind of sweet seeing how she wants to ask an older, out gay person because she truly wants to know how to help her son.
Another subplot in this volume revolves around Hiroki's younger brother. He has girls who have crushes son him, but he is just...ambivalent to the idea of dating altogether. Which is fine. However, the girls in his class get very angry at him for just trying to be their friends and he really doesn't understand why they want to move on to dating. I feel this will develop more in subsequent volumes.
Overall, it continued being cute. The Mom continued trying to be supportive. Hiroki continues to be in the closet.
mdmrn New Read - I Think Our Son Is Gay, Volume 2
Show moreAfter reading volume 1, I reserved from the library all four additional volumes of I Think Our Son is Gay so I could read through it.
Volume 2 - still cute.
Volume 2, Hiroki is still into Daigo. Still hiding that he's gay from everyone. His Mom is still trying to do everything in her power to show that she will support him when he's ready to come out.
We also learn that the Mom works a part time job and that one of her coworkers is gay. She is very interested in asking him questions about his life, his upbringing, about how his parent's reacted. It's kind of sweet seeing how she wants to ask an older, out gay person because she truly wants to know how to help her son.
Another subplot in this volume revolves around Hiroki's younger brother. He has girls who have crushes son him, but he is just...ambivalent to the idea of dating altogether. Which is fine. However, the girls in his class get very angry at him for just trying to be their friends and he really doesn't understand why they want to move on to dating. I feel this will develop more in subsequent volumes.
Overall, it continued being cute. The Mom continued trying to be supportive. Hiroki continues to be in the closet.
On to Volume 3!
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