mdmrnMy initial thoughts trying out Rowdy Energy's "Strawberry Lemonade" - Meh, no thank.
My more detailed thoughts, plus story time - So, I was at the grocery store when I saw this sitting on the shelf on-sale for 60¢. I thought to myself, "Sure, I'll try it, why not. I like Strawberry lemonade flavoring." Put it in the fridge and tried it the next day as my early morning energy drink. The result? Meh.
The flavor was just...well, off. I didn't taste any strawberry lemonade, mostly a very subtle flavor with a green tea-esque aftertaste. It felt more like a lightly strawberry flavored bubbly green tea with such minimal flavor to feel borderline like a seltzer. But the aftertaste was strong, for me at least.
Long story short, yea, I didn't like it. I finished it because I wanted the caffeine (~130 mg) and I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.
mdmrn My initial thoughts trying out Rowdy Energy's "Strawberry Lemonade" - Meh, no thank.
Show moreMy more detailed thoughts, plus story time - So, I was at the grocery store when I saw this sitting on the shelf on-sale for 60¢. I thought to myself, "Sure, I'll try it, why not. I like Strawberry lemonade flavoring." Put it in the fridge and tried it the next day as my early morning energy drink. The result? Meh.
The flavor was just...well, off. I didn't taste any strawberry lemonade, mostly a very subtle flavor with a green tea-esque aftertaste. It felt more like a lightly strawberry flavored bubbly green tea with such minimal flavor to feel borderline like a seltzer. But the aftertaste was strong, for me at least.
Long story short, yea, I didn't like it. I finished it because I wanted the caffeine (~130 mg) and I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.
Survey says - won't drink again.
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