lotteholtermanRecently finished project: freehand-knitted sleeve for my hot water bottle. Some years ago I bought this strange paper-like yarn and now I finally found a project to use it for!
I also found this nice rib-like knitting pattern in ‘Stitchery’, a stitch encyclopaedia I found in a local secondhand bookshop. The pattern results in a firm and rather thick fabric, which is just perfect for a hot water bottle as it isolates very well, so the heat comes off gradually. It’s still lukewarm in the morning! ♨️
lotteholterman Recently finished project: freehand-knitted sleeve for my hot water bottle. Some years ago I bought this strange paper-like yarn and now I finally found a project to use it for!
Show moreI also found this nice rib-like knitting pattern in ‘Stitchery’, a stitch encyclopaedia I found in a local secondhand bookshop. The pattern results in a firm and rather thick fabric, which is just perfect for a hot water bottle as it isolates very well, so the heat comes off gradually. It’s still lukewarm in the morning! ♨️
#justmakethingsokay #knitting #freehandknitting #hotwaterbottle #knittingpatterns #stitchery #crafting