ReadawaytherainI'm currently reading The Hobbit for the fifth time and once again really enjoying it✨ The copy I'm reading is actually a slightly battered film edition, but this Dutch edition I also have is much nicer.
I remembered the book mostly as a quest story, but I was pleasantly surprised by the humour. Especially the "good morning" scene in the beginning is such a fun way of showing how British people can be quite indirect sometimes.
Readawaytherain I'm currently reading The Hobbit for the fifth time and once again really enjoying it✨ The copy I'm reading is actually a slightly battered film edition, but this Dutch edition I also have is much nicer.
Show moreI remembered the book mostly as a quest story, but I was pleasantly surprised by the humour. Especially the "good morning" scene in the beginning is such a fun way of showing how British people can be quite indirect sometimes.
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